John Deere Section Control
Variable Rate Application
  • Improves machine efficiency
  • Allows adjustable overlap
  • Compatible with Planters, Air Seeders and Sprayers
  • Easy to navigate and intuitive user interface
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John Deere Section Control provides automatic section control for both air carts and CCS™ planters.
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Automatically control implement sections
John Deere Section Control John Deere Section Control

John Deere Section Control (formerly known as Swath Control Pro™ software) is a software activation on the GreenStar™ 3 2630 Display. John Deere Section Control automatically controls the sections on an implement.

When John Deere Section Control is enabled, it utilizes global positioning system (GPS) information to turn implement sections on and off and reduce overlap in previously applied areas. It also can be used to reference interior and exterior field boundaries. John Deere Section Control automatically controls the implement sections as the implement passes through defined boundaries.

John Deere Section Control can be used to turn sections on and off at an exterior headland boundary before the headlands have been applied. This allows the producer to apply the product application last, after the main portion of the field has been applied.

A 15-hour demo activation for John Deere Section Control is included with the GreenStar 3 2630 Display.

Improve efficiency by reducing overlap, input costs, and operator stress
John Deere Section Control utilized on 4830 Sprayer John Deere Section Control utilized on 4830 Sprayer

John Deere Section Control improves efficiency for producers. One of the primary benefits of Section Control is reduced product overlap in the field. Overlap reduction decreases the total amount of product used in the field to save the producer money by lowering the input costs for the farming operation.


The reduction of overlap can also improve the yield. Some crops are very sensitive to excessive seed population and product application. These crops typically yield less in overlapped areas of the field where the seed population is too high. Some crops can be easily harmed by excessive chemical or fertilizer applications that negatively impact the yield potential of the crop. John Deere Section Control reduces overlap and helps the crop achieve its highest yield potential.   


John Deere Section Control also reduces the stress level of the operator. By utilizing Section Control, the operator does not need to focus on manually turning the implement sections off and on. This helps reduce fatigue and enables the operator run longer hours in the field. It helps less experienced operators more accurately perform the product application in the field.



ISOBUS implement compatibility
Section Control with Raven® ISOBUS product control Section Control with Raven® ISOBUS product control

ISOBUS compliant implements utilize the GreenStar™ 3 2630 Display as a virtual terminal that serves as the operator interface for the implement. The GreenStar 3 2630 Display and John Deere Section Control are capable of automatically controlling the sections on ISOBUS-compliant implements.


The John Deere Section Control activation can automatically control the implement sections on John Deere equipment and ISOBUS-compliant equipment without the need of a separate activation. The functionality of the ISOBUS implement needs to be verified to ensure compatibility.

Raven is a trademark of Raven Industries Incorporated.

Versatile with different equipment and operations
Control planter units Control planter units
Control boom sections Control boom sections

John Deere Section Control is versatile and adaptable. It can be used on a variety of John Deere and competitive equipment to provide producers with the benefits of John Deere Section Control throughout multiple operations and seasons.

Control implement sections Control implement sections
Control product bins Control product bins

To use John Deere Section Control, vehicles must be GreenStar™ system ready. The following Precision Ag Technology components are required on all equipment configurations:

  • GreenStar 3 2630 Display
  • StarFire™ 6000 or StarFire 3000 Receiver
  • John Deere Section Control Activation

Implements like NH3 applicators, planters with the Tru Count Air Clutch® system, and dry box spinner spreaders may require the use a GreenStar Rate Controller or GreenStar Rate Controller Dry. The Rate Controller serves as the interface for the GreenStar 3 2630 Display to control the sections on the implement. 

Tru Count Air Clutch is a trademark of Trimble Navigation Limited.

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